Yesterday I decided to tackle that ugly little wall with the counter top on it. I'm not sure what this is called or why it's even there. We've debated on getting rid of it, but I fear the mess it will make. None of us here are professionals & we are all heavy procrastinators to boot. I can see it now, wood slivers sticking out everywhere. So instead of dealing with that mess I decided that a little primer and a little paint could make this ugly wall into a wall that at least matched the living room.
We started with this:
This is actually the other side because once again I started without taking a before picture. |
Then I primed this baby:
heck even this looked better than the ugly paneling. |
Finished product:
Now that is better. There are a few touch ups I need to make with the base board. |
However as you can clearly see, anything is better than the before. We'll be working on the counter piece in the near future. For now it has been put on the back burner till we can afford to either have it replaced or paint it ourselves. This apartment is truly a handful, but with the economy believe me it will be worth it in the end.
Any suggestions? Should we lose this little wall or just leave it as is? It separates the living room from the kitchen.
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