Friday, September 2, 2011

Before & After

I thought I'd share a couple of my thrifty finds that I gave a new look to.

It's the grey, white & blue striped bottle

cute find @ the local Goodwill. .99 cents a piece

I like how in all three pictures the wall color looks different lol.  Silly flash.
as you can see I sprayed them a lighter color (Ivory) from Krylon, then sanded them a bit to give them a nice shabby look.  I really like how they turned out.  The bottom one is my favorite.

I literally had a spray painting debate in the middle of Goodwill when I bought these.  A lady came up to my cart & saw the plaques.  "ooh I love those" and I smiled & agreed I too liked them.  She then asked me what I was going to do with them.  I told her spray paint them a lighter color & then sand them a bit.  She got very vocal "oh no no no, no paint" as if I was a 5 year old.  She said the darkness was what made me so lovely.  For her maybe but for me it was the design.  I do not really like dark things & are living room area is shabby & light.  I was actually angry at the woman, don't look in my cart and then ask me what I will do with something if you aren't expecting an honest answer.  If she like them so much she should have put them in her cart, instead she walked past them.  So in this telling I suppose I'm just trying to state some like dark & some like light.  I notice a lot of people get upset when they hear you are going to paint something.  It's all a matter of preference, neither way is wrong.  I do not think I harmed the plaque's charm or loveliness by painting them.